Saturday, October 2, 2010


The Alliance of Dominican American Visual Artists, Inc. (ADAVA) is very excited with ADAVARTE 3; our organization wants to invite all the art lovers of New York City to visit our exhibitions; if anybody would like more information please contact us at

De Santiago de Cuba a New York

La Alianza Dominicana de artistas visuales ADAVA, junto al colectivo artístico del grupo fotográfico Grufos, en expansión de su horizonte artístico, presenta en la ciudad de New York, la exposición titulada "De Santiago de Cuba a New York". Esta exhibición será presentada en la galería del Bronx Community College, como un esfuerzo de los artistas: Anthony Grullón, Amaury Suárez, Máximo Tejada, Octavio Madera y Narciso Polanco; quien ha organizado la muestra, la cual pretende acercar y mostrar a un publico multicultural, la imagen de una ciudad que como Santiago de Cuba mantiene altos valores tradicionales y testimoniales de autenticidad, muy similares a Santiago de los 30 caballeros.

Saturday, June 5, 2010


ADAVARTE-The Visual Arts Festival of Washington Heights,  Inwood: Is a main annual arts event  specialized in visual arts organized by the Alliance of Dominican American Visual Artists in partnership with other organizations, where ADAVARTE presents as visual attractions, dozens of paintings, drawings, photographs, graphic designs, conferences, and technical workshops for artists and the general public. This year the festival will be celebrated during the months of October-November. (Members of ADAVA and any other artists that would like to participate in this festival, please contact ADAVA at 

The Way I See It
José Artie Parra estará exhibiendo su nueva producción artística “The Way I See it” en el Comisionado de Cultura, USA. Todos los miembros de ADAVA y los amantes de las artes están invitados.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

30 Imágenes de un Santiago Contemporáneo

New York.Mayo 14, 2010   Con el  nombre de "30 IMÁGENES DE UN SANTIAGO CONTEMPORÁNEO"  se inauguro en El Comisionado de la cultura la exposición fotográfica  presentada por la entidad Grupo Fotográfico de Santiago (Grufos)  formado por un grupo de talentosos exponentes del arte Dominicano.
La exposición dirigida por el Arquitecto Cesar Payamps  traslada al expectador a un Santiago de Los 30 Caballeros que seduce y encanta y que a su vez, muestra la esencia de un Santiago moderno, contemporáneo pero que mantiene siempre sus tradiciones y su calidad de ciudad Corazón. Entre los artistas invitados se encontraba el fotógrafo Domingo Batista.
La Alliance Dominica Americana de Artistas Visuales se solidariza con esta muestra sobresaliente de fotógrafos artistas he invita a los amantes del arte a visitar la Sala Francisco Requena del Comisionado de Cultura en Estados Unidos. Nuestra organización de artistas, ADAVA, (por sus siglas en ingles) desea darles las gracias al Comisionado de Cultura en los Estados Unidos, doctor Luis Álvarez López y asistentes administrativos, en especial ha Josefina Álvarez, por un evento que nos llena de orgullo a todos los dominicanos y latinoamericanos en general.

La Alliance Dominico Americana de artistas Visuales, además, quiere exhortar a todos los amantes del arte  ha ponerse en contacto con ADAVA, si están interesados en participar en el Festival ADAVARTE 3, ha nuestro correo electrónico ( El Festival de las artes será realizado durante los meses de octubre 14 a noviembre 14 del 2010. 

Monday, May 10, 2010

30 Imágenes de un Santiago Contemporáneo

La Alianza Dominico Americana de Artistas Visuales,les invita a la exhibición de fotografía: 30 Imágenes de un Santiago Contemporáneo. La recepción de apertura será viernes 14 de mayo, a las 6:30 de la noche en la sala Francisco Requena, Comisionado Dominicano de la Cultura en Estados Unidos  541 West 145 St. 2ndo. Piso New York Tel. (212) 234-8149. (Narciso Polanco, miembro de la Junta Directores de ADAVA, es uno de los artistas participantes)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Levántate Lázaro, de las ruinas de la amoralidad.

¿Para que soy artista? En un país donde abundan tantas miserias políticas, económicas y sociales, ¿cuál es mi función como creador de realidades estéticas? Los problemas socio-económicos de la Republica Dominicana como de los países latinoamericanos son muy bien conocidos, necesitamos soluciones contundentes con objetivos específicos que nos puedan rescatar de las ruinas de la amoralidad. El artista, si es autentico, esta llamado a sacudir, orientar, y provocar interrogantes en los observadores, que inciten a provocar una introspección, una mirada profunda, que nos haga cuestionar nuestro comportamiento con relación a las estructuras de un sistema económico que nos convierte en esclavos del poder del dinero y el consumismo. ¿Para que soy artista? Don Ramón Oviedo y sus obras Levántate Lázaro(1970) y Espantajo(1969) nos pueden orientar. Estas obras, utilizando un lenguaje simbólico, nos hacen pensar en los países latinoamericanos, que como el nuestro, Republica Dominicana, se encuentran en ruinas provocadas por comportamientos amorales. La contestación a la pregunta inicial te la dejo a ti, artista, ¿para que soy artista?

Arise, Lazarus, from the ruins of amorality

Why I'm an artist? In a country where so many miseries abound political, economic and social, what is my role as a creator of aesthetic realities? The socio-economic problems of the Dominican Republic and Latin American countries are well known, we need robust solutions with specific objectives that we can use to rescue our countries from the ruins of amorality. The artist, if authentic, is called to shake, guide, and provoke questions in the observers, to evoke introspections, views into the depths of the soul, that will make us question our behavior concerning the structure of an economic system that converts human beings into slaves of the power of money and consumerism. Why I'm an artist? Don Ramón Oviedo and his works Scarecrow (1969) and Lazarus Arise (1970) can guide us. These works, using a symbolic language, make us think of the Latin American countries, like ours, Dominican Republic, that are in ruins caused by immoral behavior. The answer to the initial question I leave it to you, artist, why I'm an artist?

Friday, March 26, 2010

What is Performance Art?

Performance art started in the 1960s in the United States. It describes any live artistic events, poets, musicians, filmmakers, or visual artists. This form of art by 1970s, meant that it was live, it was art, and not theater. It was a type of art that could not be sold or traded (only by selling tickets to a show, or film rights). The performance artist tries to make a social commentary on the purity of art. This form of conceptual art is driven by an emphasis on creating a dialogue between artist (performer), idea, and the audience. The performer steps into his own state of mind in front of an audience. It is not theater, you do not have to act like another person, or character; it is not made up, it is real. Performance art deals with real people in a real time frame.

Performance Art (Arte en Vivo)

Performance art (arte en vivo) comenzó en la década de 1960 en los Estados Unidos. En él se describen los eventos artísticos en vivo, como recitales de poetas, músicos, danzas, cineastas, o artistas visuales. Esta forma de arte hacia 1970, significaba una forma de hacer arte en vivo, era arte, y no teatro. Es un tipo de arte que no puede ser vendido o cambiado (sólo por medio de venta de entradas para un espectáculo, o de derechos de la película). El artista que realiza este tipo de arte, trata de hacer un comentario social sobre la pureza del arte. Esta forma de arte conceptual es impulsado por un énfasis en la creación de un diálogo entre el artista (intérprete o ejecutante), la idea y el público. Los interpretes asumen un estado de animo o actitud mental que demuestran ante un publico. No es teatro, no tiene que actuar como otra persona, o actuar como un personaje en especifico, no es inventado, es real. Este tipo de arte se realiza en tiempo real, con gente real que interactúan con los interpretes en un marco de tiempo real.

Diego Rivera 

Sunday, March 21, 2010

ADAVA Synthesis Review

ADAVA Synthesis Review

What is going on in ADAVA? If you want to be informed about the happenings in our organization, please follow the Synthesis Review each week. We will keep you up to date, with brief reflections about some of our ADAVA activities. We will also provide mini essays about any art topic of interest and links for further information.

The Alliance of Dominican American Visual Artists, is interested in creating an art community in which artists of any nationality, our youth and the general public of New York City, could share their experiences and cultural journeys. We want to provide an environment where your perspectives and voices are heard, nurtured and used as agents of change within our neighborhoods. The organization will continue to work with both artists and the youth, in coordinating art programs that will reach young people and teenagers. It is part of our mission to create and promote art awareness, and sensitivity in our communities of Washington Heights & Inwood and the neighborhoods of New York City. If you have not read "Our First Steps” please will free to click on the link; you will find very useful information. (Our First Steps)

Informe Sintético de ADAVA  

¿Qué está pasando en ADAVA? Si usted desea estar informado sobre los acontecimientos de nuestra organización, por favor siga el Informe Sintético de cada semana. Le mantendremos al día, con breves reflexiones sobre algunas de nuestras actividades. También vamos ha proporcionar mini ensayos de arte sobre cualquier tema de interés y enlaces para más información.

La Alianza Dominicana de Artistas Visuales, está interesada en crear una comunidad de arte en la cual artistas de cualquier nacionalidad, puedan compartir sus experiencias y recorridos culturales. Queremos proporcionar un entorno donde las perspectivas y las voces se escuchen, sean apoyadas y utilizadas como agentes de cambio dentro de nuestros vecindarios. La organización continuará trabajando con los artistas y los jóvenes, en la coordinación de programas de arte para los jóvenes y adolescentes. Es parte de nuestra misión  crear y promover el conocimiento del arte en nuestra comunidad de Washington Heights & Inwood y los vecindarios de Nueva York. Si usted no ha leído nuestro "Primeros pasos" por favor, presione el anexo y encontrará informaciones muy útiles. "Nuestro Primeros Pasos

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Learning to Look

 A pre-visit guide
for the Empire State Plaza
New York State Office of General Services
Office of Curatorial and Tour Services
29th Floor, Corning Tower
Empire State Plaza
Albany, NY 12242
Painting by Frank Polanco

"Travesías por el dolor humano"

Friday, March 12, 2010

Jackson Pollock

The Works of 10 Abstract Expressionists for Under $5

The United States Post Office issued 10 Abstract Expressionist stamps on Thursday. They depict paintings by 10 artists — Joan Mitchell and the usual male suspects, you might say — and look bright and energetic and very abstract. They’re not the first stamps based on modern paintings, or even Abstract Expressionist ones, but the edition is the first to concentrate on these artists as a group. Seeing them made me feel protective. I was even compelled to offer a talking point to the woman who at the Post Office who sold them to me: if she got any guff about them she could mention that the paintings are all at least 50 years old. She seemed impressed. “They’re not new at all,” I said, somewhat defensively. “They’re classics.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Brut Testament to Benefit the Haiti Tragedy

The Earl Hall Center is seeking artwork that reflects triumph over struggle and that empow­ers the human spirit, for an upcoming art show:BrutTestament." All artwork will be sold to benefit Haiti with 100% of the proceeds going to the Gawou Ginou Foundation and The Haitian Alliance, Inc. Columbia University faculty, staff, student and alumni are welcome to participate.
Submission Dates: February 26 - March 12,2010 Exhibition Dates: Friday, March 26th - April 7, 2010 Opening Receeption: March 26th, from 8pm-10pm St. Exhibition Location: St. Paul's Chapel, Columbia University.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Celebrating Diversity

ATTLEBORO, MA-. ‘Celebrando la diversidad’ (Celebrating Diversity), es la nueva propuesta pictórica de un grupo de artistas latinoamericanos, que estará en exhibición desde el 23 de febrero hasta el 13 de marzo del presente ano, en el Museo de Arte de Attleboro, Massachussets.
La muestra colectiva, en la que participan artistas de República Dominicana, México, Ecuador, y Guatemala; unido al talento de reconocidos  creadores de la plástica de Estados Unidos, Japón, China, e Indonesia, entre otros, cuenta con el auspicio del Concilio para las Artes del Estado de Rhode Island (The Rhode Island State Council on the Arts). Felix Diclo and Ezequiel Jimenez

Independence Awards 2010

PROVIDENCE.- La comunidad dominicana en el Estado conmemora el 166 Aniversario de Independencia Nacional de República Dominicana, gesta patriótica lograda el 27 de febrero de 1844; y la cual será recordada con diversos actos, que tendrán como principales escenarios la Casa Estatal y el City Hall de Providence.

Special Moments at Perth Amboy Art Gallery

Teresa Pelaez
Frank Polanco

Wilda Díaz. Mayor of Perth Amboy
José “Atrtie” Parra
Chiqui Mendoza
Luís Martínez

Prof. Frank Polanco

Saturday, February 20, 2010


ADAVARTE-The Visual Arts Festival of Washington Heights,  Inwood:

Is a main annual arts event  specialized in visual arts organized by the Alliance of Dominican American Visual Artists in partnership with other organizations, where ADAVARTE presents as visual attractions, dozens of paintings, drawings, photographs, graphic designs, conferences, and technical workshops for artists and the general public. This year the festival will be celebrated during the months of October-November. (Members of ADAVA and any other artists that would like to participate in this festival, please contact ADAVA at 
ADAVARTE-El Festival de Artes Visuales de Washington Heights & Inwood:

Es el evento anual de las artes especializada en artes visuales organizada por la Alianza Dominico Americana de Artistas Visuales, Inc. (ADAVA) en colaboración con otras organizaciones, donde ADAVARTE presenta como atractivos visuales, decenas de pinturas, dibujos, fotografías, diseños gráficos, conferencias, y talleres técnicos para los artistas y el publico en general. Este año el festival se va ha celebrar durante los meses de octubre y noviembre. (Miembros de ADAVA y artistas interesados, pueden ponerse en contacto con ADAVA en

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Creative Photography Workshop

The painter and Photographer Narciso Polanco is going to have a workshop about the basic aspects of creative photography.The workshop is going to be on March 6, 2010 from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM at ADAVA (121 Sherman Avenue Suite 52, New York NY, 10034, tel. 1-212-567-3272)

Creative photography is a process by which reality is altered and new compositions are created within the context of a simbolic language. 

Taller de Fotografía Creativa

El pintor y fotógrafo Narciso Polanco va ha tener un taller sobre los aspectos básicos de la fotografía creativa. El taller se va ha realizar el 6 de marzo 2010 3:00 PM a 5:00 PM en la sede de ADAVA (121 Sherman Avenue, Suite 52, Nueva York, NY, 10034, tel. 1-212-567-3272)

La fotografía creativa es un proceso por medio del cual la realidad se altera y se crean nuevas composiciones en el contexto de un lenguaje simbólico.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Gifted Show

Gifted Show

Featuring talented visual art students from the Tri-area.
Synchronicity Fine Arts
106 West 13th Street between 6th and 7th
New York, NY 10039
Reception: Saturday, February 13, 2010
3:00 to 5:00 PM

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Alberto Giacometti

"Finally, trying to make something of them, I began to work from memory, primarily in order to know what had stayed with me from all this work (all that time I also drew and painted a bit, almost always from life).
"But to my horror, when I tried to remember what I had seen, the sculptures became smaller and smaller, they seemed like children, and although I hated these little things and tried again and again I always ended up at the same point.
"A large figure seemed wrong to me and a little one just as bad; they became so tiny that often with a final cut of the knife, they would disappear into dust. But heads and figures only seemed to have any truth when they were minuscule.
"All that changed a bit in 1945 with drawing. It led me to want to make larger figures, but to my surprise, they only seemed likenesses if they were long and thin.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Call for Artists

Deadline: February 16, 2010

Deadline: February 16, 2010
In the Public Realm is a Public Art Fund (PAF) program designed to champion innovative public art projects by New York-based emerging artists. Artists selected will develop proposals, consult with PAF to shape their project, and ultimately realize their work in one of New York City’s five boroughs. Artists are encouraged to submit an application that considers how to translate his or her specific studio practice and interests into a new public artwork. Previous experience working in public spaces is not necessary.

Fecha límite: 16 de febrero 2010
En el ámbito público es un Fondo de Arte Público (PAF), programa diseñado para desarrollar proyectos innovadores de arte público en Nueva York, basado en el trabajo de artistas emergentes. Los artistas seleccionados desarrollarán propuestas, consulte con FAP para dar forma a su proyecto, y finalmente cumplir su trabajo en uno de los cinco condados de New York. Los artistas podrán presentar una solicitud que considere la manera de trasladar sus prácticas de estudio y sus intereses concretos en una obra de arte público nuevo. La experiencia previa de trabajo en los espacios públicos no es necesaria.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

ADAVA in Perth Amboy Art Gallery

Jose Luis Decena
The Alliance of Dominican American Visual Artists in Perth Amboy taking place from January 12 to February 28, 2010 with a series of paintings, drawings, digital and mixed media artworks. Closing reception on Saturday February 27, 2010, 2:00-6:00 p.m. Among the selected cohort of Dominican artists , we find, Jose Luis Decena, Felix Diclo, Ezequiel Jimenez, Luis Martinez , Chiqui Mendoza, Jose “Artie“ Parra, Robert Paulino, Teresa Pelaez, Frank Polanco, David Ulloa and Henry Vargas.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

ADAVA Receiving Grant From NoMAA

ADAVA receiving grant from NoMAA
January 25, 2010

Sunday, January 24, 2010


 Haiti Frank Polanco           125, or 125,000

It had to be you.
Why should I think
about you? It hurts,
I don’t know why?
I feel you, I try
to create your image
in my mind, but I only
see dark circles
shimmering on the lonely
souls of the streets
full of time, clicking
away our memories like black
birds flying above silvery
waters that flow into
tunnels of light.

I see 125, or 125,000
events turning around in
my life. Which one will
eventually turn against me?
I  need to get across the
flowing waters of destiny.
I hear echoes of shadows
emerging from the distant
past of the city.
“Walk son, it’s the only
way”. “The only way”.
Walking, thinking, traveling,
across tunnels of sand and
water, looking, searching,
trying to find what’s left
of you, broken bottles
shattered all over blind
dark streets full of anguish
and innocence. Fly and turn above
the skies, black birds of sorrow,
thieves of life. I see you came
and go, flying above my innocent
soul, so full of you.
I see 125, or 125,000
events turning around
in my life. Which one will
eventually turn against me?
They turn and turn
life as it comes and goes.
My thoughts and feelings
vanish like water under the
flaming fire of the soul.
They lead the way to the
unknown, to realize that
of all the people in the
world it had to be you,
a thief, the guide; like
a thief in the night to
enlighten your days of
pain and sorrow, with
joy and happiness.
He leads the way to the
shop of life. I pay
twenty-five dollars for
the same tire that has
turned many times in my
life, creating thoughts,
memories, and illusions
about life and it’s
It had to be you.
Prof. Frank Polanco

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Welcome to the Blogging Universe of ADAVA

The Alliance of Dominican American Visual Artists, is delighted to present to the public of New York City, a space where information from different sources are shared among people with a variety of interests in the arts. This organization has been inspired by the determination and creativity of blogging of those that believe in virtual realities that are capable of linking the human species with the vast and mysterious universe of ourselves. We are convinced that people could still live in a harmonious world, full of the possibilities of connecting to the deepest regions of our minds; making us more aware of our surroundings and environments that have an impact in our lives: friends, family, and the unknown depths of our soul. That energy that flows creating links that reveal the true face of the human journey. We would like to invite those of you who are brimming of joy and curiosity to join us in this trip, embark on the ship of ADAVA and let yourself feel and wonder the vast blogging universe provided by our organization.

Board of Directors

Frank Polanco, President
Don Ramón Delgado, Treasurer

Gladys Pérez, Secretary
Eilis Soto, Speaker
Narciso Polanco, Speaker
Rafael González, Speaker
David Ulloa, Data Analist

Rene de los Santos, Painter
Ezequiel Jiménez, Painter
José “Artie” Parra, Painter
Robert Paulino, Painter
Felix Dicló, Painter
Tony Aristy, Painter
Pablo R. Almonte, Painter
José Felix Moya, Painter
Carlos Chávez, Painter
Teresa Pérez Peláez, Photographer
Carlos Almonte, Painter, Drawer
Chiqui Mendoza, Painter, Instructor
José Luís Decena, Painter, Sculptor
Persio Minier Painter, Instruter
Yuvira Montilla, Painter
Marthalicia Matarrita, Painter, Drawer
Joseph Gastón, Painter
Lucho Capellán, Painter
Margarita Vázquez, Painter
Pepe Coronado, Printmaker, Photographer
Lorenzo Arnaldo, Graphic Art
Máximo Tejada, Photographer
Emmanuel Duarte, Graphic Art
Luís Martínez, Photographer
Steven Gregory, Photographer
Freddy Polanco, Photographer
Henry Vargas, Painter, Drawer
Felix Berroa, Painter, Sculpter, Drawer
Maggie Hernández, Painter
Edgar González, Drawer
Pablo Almonte, Painter
Meybol Ramírez, Painter

Honorary Members

Manuel Sierra
Ramón E. Delgado
Michelle Cooper
Moisés Pérez
Julian Zugasagoitia
Paul Shrivastava
Rafael González
Francisco Guzmán
José Luís Reyes
Giovanni Puello
Walter Delgado
Lucía Solano.
María Sterling
Rosa Abréu
Diana Cedano
Elsa Jiménez
Luís López
Manuel R. Acevedo
Eduardo Méndez
Jacqueline Guilamo
María Moreno
Luís Sterling
Osiris Mosquea
Lucila Rutinel
Lucy Rodríguez
Nancy De León
Miguel Mercado
José M. Gómez
Patricia Capellán
Miguel Peña
Rómulo Díaz
Miguel Vásquez
Pedro Fulgencio
Obed Fulcar
Hipólito Delgado
José Reyes
Marilu D. Galvan
Frank Adolfo
Luís Peralta
Adelaida Mercado
Sharon Leonce
Rodalia O’Neill
Ricardo Patiño

Partners in the Arts

Northern Manhattan Arts Alliance, The Institute for Research in African American Studies at Columbia University, Office of Government Affair of Columbia University, The Hall of Fame Art Gallery at Bronx Community College, New York City Council Member Robert Jackson (District 7), Voluntary Lawyers for the Arts, Broadway Housing Community, Consulate of the Dominican Republic in New York, Architect Eduardo Selman, Upper Manhattan Empowerment Zone, Community Board 12, Cultural Center Los Bravos, Trazarte, Dr. Steven Gregory, Dr. Paul Shrivastava, Prof. Mazzela Ben-nun, Sr. Augusto Payano, Ofelia Rodríguez, Félix Diclo, José “Artie” Parra, Rene de los Santos Fine Art Studio, Ms Michelle Cooper, Yvonne Francisco, Sr. Luís Sterling, Eddy Beato, Lucila Rutinel, Rigo Peralta, Don Ramón Delgado, Máximo Tejada, Pepe Coronado, Teresa Peláez, Sr. Moisés Pérez, Roberta Paulino, Meybol Ramírez, Emanuel Duarte, David Ulloa, Cesar González, Francisco Guzman, Rolando Robles, Roberto Tavares, Ramón Toribio, Mr. Jay Larry, Freddy Polanco, Sr. Carlos Moran, Don Eulalio Fernán­dez (1936-2008), Luís Peralta, Ricardo Patiño, Frank Adolfo, José Luís Decena, Sr. Rafael González, Ezequiel Jiménez, and many other supporters and collaborators.(Members,honorary members, and partners in the arts will be included in our website soon)

Prof. Frank Polanco, 
President of the Board of Directores/ADAVA